Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Obesity In Children And Adolescence Essay

Obesity in children and adolescence has become a major issue throughout America. Parents do not realize the health problems that their children have or will acquire later on in life. Obesity is a huge health issue, although it can be avoided by children becoming more active, changing their diet, or even taking away their video games. Children do not know any better, therefore, when parents over indulge them; eating large amounts becomes a learned behavior leading to obesity. Parents should encourage their child(ren) to become active as one of the ways to avoid obesity. Signing their children up to play in local sports leagues that their community may have such as t-ball and wee-ball for smaller kids or soccer, baseball, and basketball for older kids is a great way to keep them active. These sports are seasonal, which may help the child not feel overwhelmed with so much at once, then again being seasonal will help keep the child active all year around. Extra-curricular activities are a great way to keep older kids or teens active. High schools all over the country participate in track, cross-country, volleyball, swimming, even dance teams. Being active and working on physical fitness are just a few ideas to keep your body’s metabolism high and avoid obesity. A child’s diet has a massive impact on their weight, therefore maintaining a healthy eating routine will also prevent obesity. Although now a days America’s nuclear family has developed into a single parent family, the parent cannot slack off. Time is very limited but is not an excuse to tell the children â€Å"Hey kids we’ll grab some McDonalds on the way!† Even as a single parent there is still time to sit down and plan a menu with better food choices. Since the kids are at school all week that just means the menu only has to be for breakfast and dinner except on the weekends and days off. Taking time for the child’s eating routine is necessary and could save worry and struggles later on. Eating less fast food will definitely cut calories and over indulging, drinking more water, juice, and less soda will help as well. Video games! Children and teens absolutely love their video games, but are they playing on them too much? Video games encourage plenty of inside time, take away from the child running around and getting dirty because of eating a mud pie, and the child develops bad eating habits. By taking away the video game for a few hours you could go outside and run through the sprinkler in the summertime, or rake leaves in the fall. Going to the park could also be an alternative for the video games. Some chores would be helpful, having the child active to earn some Xbox or game time is an idea. It is surprising to think that burning calories and working out by just doing a little bit of cleaning around the house actually helps. Obesity is a huge health issue, although it can be avoided by children becoming more active, changing their diet, or even taking away their video games. These three solutions are just some food for thought, there are plenty more ideas and fun ways to stay away from the big issue; obesity. Children cannot avoid it on their own, it all starts at home. As a parent take charge and guide your child through a healthy life and lifestyle.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bitter Strawberries Essay

In life we must savor the sweet and endure the bitter challenges, when it comes to accommodating to a perilous situation. An ongoing war on terror is exacting a heavy emotional toll on families and other individuals that are in danger due to being surrounded by an atrocious environment that involves war. The life of apprehensive individuals has never been an easy one to live, with frequent upheavals of the individual’s and very little sense of control over their lives. Perpetually living around brutality, destruction, and violence links individual’s into obtaining bundles of emotions to a certain extent.From a psychoanalytic point-of-view, war affects society in a way that is painful; the war engenders a deep effect on other individual’s lives as well as their perceptions and obtained views from the devastating experience of the surrounded environment fulfilled with hatred, mischievousness, and depravity. As war increases in brutality to a certain extent, society ’s aspects are intensely affected;this issue can result in the destroying of land, culture, and other tangible aspects.A poem, â€Å"Bitter Strawberries†, written by Sylvia Plath, is a sardonic way of describing a war that have occurred in Russia. While this piece offers little insight into human nature, it portrays some solid images, even though disconnected and often jarring. â€Å"All morning in the strawberry field†: the speaker sets the scene by distinguishing herself and one or more companions from the women who are talking â€Å"about the Russians. †; one particular word that stood out the most within the first two lines was â€Å"the Russians. This specific clue can enhance an individual’s interpretation and observation of the hidden message within the poem. In history Russia was known for its dangerous, malicious war and obtaining the characteristic of being destructive of society, so this particular clue could be conveyed within the mess age as of being the poem’s topic of an atrocious war occurring that is gradually destroying the environment as well as many inhabitants sweet side of life, which turns into complete bitterness. Horseflies buzzed, paused and stung and the taste of strawberries turned thick and sour. † Why did the taste of strawberries â€Å"turned thick and sour? † Had they tasted thin and sweet before the horseflies stung or perhaps before the subject of the Soviet-American Cold War relations had been broached? The disconnect between the horseflies and the taste of berries is jarring and obstructs any real meaning of and purpose for this three-line versagraph. Certain literary devices were used to convey the meaning of the poem, by catching the reader’s interest.One of the devices that were used in this particular poem was â€Å"Symbolism. †The literary poem contains symbolism because the bitter strawberries displays the overall mood of the Russian society as a whol e. Strawberries are sweet but can lead to bitterness which portrays the atmosphere of the war. The world of Russia was tranquilent and quiet, but when the war occurred it led to bitterness and despair. Imagery was contained in the poem when it states that â€Å"the horseflies buzzed, paused, and stung. Stung is a feeling that was obtained from other’s in society as if they were actually stung by an insect ,but it was a feeling of pain obtained by the negative atmosphere of war; Sylvia uses horseflies sting as a way of comparing the inflicting pain of an insect to an actual emotion that were felt by others in the poem. â€Å"She stood up a thin commanding figure, in faded dungarees. Businesslike she asked us, ‘How many quarts? ’ She recorded the total in her notebook, and we all turned back to picking. † By this point the reader is wondering when the point of it all will be made and how the speaker will tie all the loose ends together.The last stanza: â₠¬Å"Kneeling over the rows, we reached among the leaves with quick practiced hands, cupping the berry protectively before snapping off the stem between thumb and forefinger. † The reader will experience a profound disappointment expecting the final stanza to save this piece. Instead of offering anything near a resolution, the speaker simply describes the act of picking strawberries. The emotion behind the country’s bitterness of fighting another country automatically affects society’s sweetness and joy being drained into a pool of woe, sorrow, and despair.Since a war is occurring between two opposing forces, the countries may not like each other due to a different religious beliefs, race,etc. From a Feminist point-of-view the bitter strawberries represents the sweet females that have been tortured and dominated by the men of their Russian society as a way of practicing their religious belief; the women may feel beaten down and helpless to a certain extent, which l eads them to feeling unwanted, worthless, and the abuse turns them into a bitter human being, because no man have appreciated their sweet characteristic.From a Psychoanalytic point-of-view, the individual within the poem signifies the bitter strawberries as a way of comparing his/her attempted mistakes, cruel life, and harsh treatments from others. Experiencing something that is imposed as being dangerous to society can carry the process of gained perceptions or views of the experience. Emotions are portrayed among this topic because in order to sense the world and observe every negative/positive aspect, some feeling has to occur to make these assumptions upon a life experience.To a certain extent war does affect a person’s views and perceptions obtained from a point-of-view to a life situation because if the effect is characterized as being bad, then the individual will build some form of hatred against every common piece of life that involves other countries;therefore the m orals and ethics behind the perceptions are transformed into a new state of mind.The little girl with blue eyes was fulfilled with a terror emotion because of the nefarious environment that she was surrounded by; this prime example represents the title above, the sweet girl that is filled with sweetness concludes at the end of the poem with a bitterness feeling because of fear. Until one have experienced this anguished situation, he/she does not know how it feels to automatically lose the sweetness of life to the cold, crucial life of bitterness.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bowen Family Systems

Bowen Family System Theory Introduction In doing my studies on family/systemic counselling, I found Bowen’s theory intriguing. In my work and everyday life, I witness triangulation on a daily basis, from my own experience, without the awareness from this module, I was often entwined in triangulation. As a trainee therapist I decided to write my paper on Bowenian Therapy in order to gain a better understanding and develop my awareness. Murray Bowen, M. D. (31 January 1913 9 October 1990) was an American psychiatrist and a professor in Psychiatry at the Georgetown University. Bowen was among the pioneers of family therapy and founders of systemic therapy. â€Å"The family systems theory is a theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen that suggests that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit. Families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals, none of whom can be understood in isolation from the system† (Genopro. com 18/11/2010) Bowen’s interest in family began as he was practicing as a psychiatrist in the 1940s. He focused on schizophrenic patient’s emotional relationships with their mothers. Others have called it a symbiosis relationship, but for him it was only an exaggerated natural process of emotional relationship. In 1954 he started to hospitalize the entire family of the sick (schizophrenic) person. He found out that the entire family suffered with the sick person emotionally. He also studied the relationship between mother-child symbioses. This involved a certain repetitive pattern, where he observed alternating patterns of closeness and distance. They portrayed sensitive emotional tensions caused by separation anxiety and incorporation anxiety. In 1959 he started working with families with less severe problems. Surprisingly these families displayed the same problems as the disturbed families. He concluded that there is no discontinuity between the normal and disturbed families but vary along a continuum line of emotional fusion to differentiation. Bowen was one of the first to realize that the history of our family creates a template which shapes the values, thoughts, and experiences of each generation, as well as how that generation passes down these things to the next generation. Bowens theory focuses on the balance of two forces togetherness and individuality. Too much togetherness can prevent individuality, or developing ones own sense of self whereas too much individuality results in a distant and estranged family. The theory looks at the family as a system and describes the complex interactions that exist in any one unit. The way members of a family are connected and the way they react to one another makes the functioning of family members interdependent. According to the theory, mental illness happens as a result of emotional fusion. This can happen when there is an increase in the level of emotions and anxiety in the family. Bowen introduced eight interlocking concepts to explain family development and functioning. Below I will provide an overview of each concept. Differentiation of Self The first concept is Differentiation of Self, or the ability to separate feelings and thoughts. Undifferentiated people can not separate feelings and thoughts; They have difficulty thinking logically because when asked to think they are flooded with feelings, so this makes It difficult for them to base their responses on their own logical thinking. They also have difficulty differentiating between their feelings and the feelings of others. They look to their family to define how they think about issues, feel about people, and interpret their experiences. Differentiation is the process of freeing yourself from your familys processes to define yourself so you can have different opinions and values than your family members, but are still capable of staying emotionally connected to them. It means being able to calmly reflect on a conflicted interaction afterward, realising your wn role in it, and then choosing a different response for the future. Triangles Triangles are the basic units of systems. They balance between closeness and distance. The third person or party brings unity and creates continuity in warring situation. The triangle brings stressed person into a manageable level of operation. This involves true listening and gives a true advice for a better solution. In it virtually all relationships are shadowed by third parti es. For example when a couple have an argument, afterwards, one of the partners may call their friend to talk about the fight. The third person helps them reduce their anxiety and take action, or calm their strong emotions and reflect, and make decision. People who are more undifferentiated are likely to triangulate others and be triangulated whereas people who are differentiated cope well with life and relationship stress, and as a result are less likely to triangulate others or be triangulated. The Nuclear Family Emotional Process These are the emotional patterns in a family that continue over generations. This involves a modeling scenario where a family member models and imitates the behaviour and even the language of his or her parents. For example, a parent who teaches his or her children to be happy when things are ok and sad when things are bad shapes the future thinking of those children. Here the parent passes on an emotional view of the world (the emotional process), which is taught throughout generation from parent to a child, in a nuclear family. Reactions to this process can range from open conflict, to physical or emotional problems in one family member, to reactive distancing. This will bring problems with family members like substance abuse, mental illness and irresponsibility. The Multigenerational Transmission Process This process entails the way family emotional processes are transferred and maintained over generations. This captures how the whole family joins in The Family Projection Process, for example, by reinforcing the beliefs of the family. As the family continues this pattern over generations, they also refer back to previous generations (Hes just like his Uncle he was always irresponsible too or Shes just like your cousin Mary she was divorced four times. ). Sibling Position Bowen believed In sibling order and that each child had a place in the family hierarchy. He believed that the oldest sibling was more likely to be seen as overly responsible and mature whilst the youngest as overly irresponsible and immature. Emotional Cut-off Emotional cut-off refers to the techniques people use to reduce anxiety from their unresolved emotional issues with parents, siblings, and other members from the family of origin. Some people seek distance either by moving away physically or emotionally using silence, diversion or avoidance of difficult and hurtful topics. To avoid sensitive issues, they may move away from their families and refuse to go home regularly. This strategy may work in the short term to reduce immediate anxiety but over time, the deeper, unresolved problems are toxic towards other relationships. An open relationship is the opposite of emotional cut-off. It is the best way to reduce a familys over-all anxiety. Continued low anxiety permits family members who would like to, to begin the slow steps to better differentiation. Bowen wrote, It might be difficult for a family with severe cut-offs to begin more emotional contact with the extended family, but any effort toward reducing the cut-off with the extended family will soften the intensity of the family problem, reduce the symptoms, and make any kind of therapy far more productive. Societal Emotional Processes The concept of societal emotional process describes how the emotional system governs behaviour on a societal level, promoting both progressive and regressive periods in a society. Cultural forces are important in how a society functions but are insufficient for explaining the rise and fall in how well societies adapt to the challenges that face them. The society’s attitudes towards for example different races, cl asses, genders and sexual orientation, have definite effects on the family. In many ways, this is like the Family Projection Process scaled up to the level of a society as a whole. The way a family deals with prejudice, discrimination and persecution is instinctively passed on to their children so that they can survive in their unique environment. The coping practices of the parents and extended family may lead to more or less adaptive emotional health for the family and its members. Normal Family Development According to Bowen, all families lie along a continuum. Bowen believed that all families lie on a spectrum or continuum and that it is difficult to try to classify families into types. If circumstances change, one type of family could change and become another type of family. For this reason, Bowen is credited with being one of the first culturally sensitive family therapists. A normal, adjusted family will have tensions and anxieties but will be balanced in terms of their togetherness and differentiation. A normal family will have good emotional balance and recognise that some problems are external and others come from the individual. There are connections between the different generations in the family and also to the extended family. The transitions for example from adolescence to adulthood are smooth and supported by the wider family. Past pains and joys are shared. Bowen says no matter how we transform and forget the past, these memories of our relationship, still stay alive in us. The danger is the way our former family attachment will shape our new family. At various times difficulties in different relationships, sometimes called dyads, are resolved without drawing in others into their difficulties. The ability to tolerate and support family members with different views supports differentiation and is a sign of a healthy family. Awareness of external societal influences as well as the unique family influences helps a family to become well adjusted. During times of grief and loneliness for example, family members give space and allow the person opportunity to grow. A positive emotional atmosphere with a belief in the virtues of family builds normal family development. Finally, when family members depend on each ther for feedback and support rather than in co-dependent ways, the family develops healthily. Family Disorders Bowen believed that family problems result from emotional fusion, or from an increase in the level of anxiety in the family. He believed that the member with the symptom is the least differentiated member of the family, and is the one who has the least ability to resist the pull to become fused with another member. This person absorbs the anxiety and worries of t he whole family and has the least ability to separate their own thoughts and feelings from those of their family. Families face two kinds of problems. Vertical problems are passed down from one generation to the next. Thus, adults who had cold and distant relationships with their parents do not know how to have warm and close relationships with their children, and so pass down their own problems to their children. Horizontal problems are caused by environmental stressors or transition points in the family development. This may result from traumas such as a chronic illness, the loss of the family home, or the death of a family member. However, horizontal stress may also result from Social Emotional Processes, such as when a minority family moves from a like-minority neighbourhood to a very different neighbourhood, or when a family with traditional gender roles immigrates to a culture with very different views, and must raise their children there. The worst case for the family is when vertical and horizontal problems happen at once. Goals of Therapy Bowen’s therapy was not aimed at changing people or solving problems, it was basically geared towards: †¢ Helping families to inquire and explore their own roles in family problems Making them assume responsibility for their own problems†¢ People learning more about themselves and their relationships †¢ Decreasing emotional reactivity†¢ Improving self-focus †¢ Modifying dysfunctional patterns †¢ Evaluating progress of the family in terms of how they function now, as well as how adaptive they can be to future changes In general, the t herapist accomplishes this by giving less attention to specific problem they present with, and more attention to family patterns of emotions and relationships, as well as family structures of dyads and triangles. Techniques that are most prominent in the practice of Bowenian family systems therapy. Genogram: Bowen used what he termed a â€Å"family diagram† to collect and organise important data concerning the multigenerational family systems. In 1972 Guerin renamed the family diagram the â€Å"genogram. † The main function of the genogram is to organise data during the evaluation phase and to track relationship processes and key triangles over the course of therapy. In the process of assessment, the following are noted: the history of the presenting problems, exact dates are noted, history of the nuclear family, when the parents met, their courtship, their marriage, child rearing, where the family lived especially in relation to the location of the extended family, history of both spouses birth, sibling positions, facts about childhood, past and current functioning with parents The Therapy Triangle: This technique is based on the theoretical assumption that conflictual relationship processes within the family have activated key-symptom-related triangles in an attempt to re-establish stability; and the family will automatically attempt to include the therapist in the triangling process. If they succeed, therapy will be stalemated. On the other hand, if the therapist can remain free of reactive emotional entanglements, in other words, stay detriangled ,the family system and its members will calm down to the point where they can begin to work out s olutions to their dilemmas. Relationship Experiments: Relationship experiments are carried out around structural altercations in key triangles. The goal is to help the family members become aware of systems processes and learn to recognise their role in them. Thomas F. Fogarty developed experiments for use with emotional pursuers and distancers (lartin-drake. com 28/12/2010). Pursuers are encouraged to restrain their pursuit, stop making demands, and decrease pressure for emotional connection and see what happens in themselves and in the relationship. The exercise isn’t designed to be a magic cure, as some people have hoped, but to help clarify the emotional processes involved. Distancers are encouraged to move toward the other person and communicate personal thoughts and feelings, in other words, to find an alternative to either avoiding or capitulating to the others’ demands. Coaching: Coaching is the Bowenian alternative to the more emotionally involved role common to most other forms of therapy. By acting as a coach, the Bowenian therapist hopes to avoid taking over for patients or becoming embroiled in family triangles. The goal is increased understanding, increased self-focus, and more functional attachment to key family members. The I-Position: Taking a personal stand, saying what you feel, instead of what others are â€Å"doing†, is one of the most direct ways to break cycles of emotional reactivity. Bowenian therapists not only encourage clients to take I-Position, they also do so themselves. Another assumption in Bowenian therapy is that confrontation increases anxiety and decreases the ability to think clearly and see options. Therefore, displacing the focus, making it less personal and less threatening, is an excellent way to increase objectivity. This forms the basis for two related techniques, multiple family therapy and displacement stories. Conclusion In conclusion I believe that Bowen developed a comprehensive theory of family therapy which inspired generations. His theory describes how the family shapes the interplay of individuality and togetherness using six interlocking concepts which are: differentiation of self, triangles, nuclear family emotional process, family projection process, multigenerational transmission process and sibling position. In 1970 Bowen added two additional concepts: emotional cut-off and societal emotional process. Bowenian therapy is a process of active inquiry in which the therapist helps family members get past blaming and fault finding in order to face their own roles in family problems. The goals of Bowenian therapy are not to change people or to solve their problems. Instead they see therapy as an opportunity for people to learn more about themselves and their relationships so that they can assume responsibility for their own problems. Contents Introduction Differentiation of Self The Nuclear Family Emotional Process Triangles The Multigenerational Transmission Process Sibling Position Emotional Cut-off Societal Emotional Processes Normal Family Development Family Disorders Goals of Therapy Conclusion Bibliography Bibliography http://www. abacon. com/famtherapy/bowen. html (14/12/2010) http://www. anzjft. om/pages/articles/78. pdf (14/12/2010) http://www. bukisa. com/articles/293438_what-is-the-concept-of-bowen-family-therapyixzz14iOkMQpM (16/12/2010) http://www. genopro. com/genogram/fam ily-systems-theory/ (22/10/2010) http://www. houd. info/bowenTheory. pdf (22/10/2010) http://www. lartin-drake. com/distancer. pdf (22/10/2010) Bibliography http://www. abacon. com/famtherapy/bowen. html http://www. psychpage. com/learning/library/counseling/bowen. html http://www. bukisa. com/articles/293438_what-is-the-concept-of-bowen-family-therapy http://www. thebowencenter. org/ http://homepages. wmich. edu/~macdonal/SW 6680. 05/Friedman. Bow Contents Introduction

Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Design - Essay Example That is how she created her first beads. Her first inspirations were a polymer beads necklace of her boss and traditional textiles, such as old ethnic fabrics and rugs. In a way, following the ideas of old masters, Sarah’s beads are incredibly bright, though harmonious and fresh. Such an effect is achieved mainly through a very rich set of patterns. The first works by the author were, as she admits, â€Å"generally graphic repeat patterns with simple color contrasts† (Shiver 2009). With time, however, she started using special color blending techniques to make the beads more colorful. Nature, own imagination, or works by other authors are the sources of Sarah’s creativity. The devotes much attention to color combinations to use them in the blended sheets of clay. The material itself - polymer clay - is a pretty simple mean to work with. It is a pliable and bendable polymer compound - fine particles of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) suspended in plasticizer (DeVoto 1997). Among the advantages of working with this material is a great number of colors and shades provided by the manufacturers. Furthermore, these colors can be blended just like those of painters, to create new, personally designed shades and patterns. There has been developed a great number of special techniques for working with polymer clay, among which some have been inherited from glasswork, textile arts, and sculpture. Such practices as caneworking, marbling, millefiori and others give artists plenty of opportunities to create endless variations of color combinations and even textures. In addition, this kind of clay, unlike traditional one, does not dry out on air, so an artist has no time limits for completing the work. When the colors are blended and the items shaped, he or she has to just fire it. Firing polymer clay requires low temperatures, so it can be done even in an ordinary home oven. This allows anyone willing to work with the material to try one’s abilities

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing the Fashion Product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing the Fashion Product - Essay Example The essay "Marketing the Fashion Product" talks about the successful marketing strategy of the biggest clothes retailer in the United Kingdom Marks and Spencer (M&S). The lingerie market has grown steadily over the past decades with the United Kingdom experiencing consistent growth. M&S have grown consistently with new designs, innovative practices to record huge volume of sales in the last 5 years. â€Å"The total UK lingerie market was worth an estimated  £2.93bn in 2010, increasing by 17.8% over the 5-year review period.† M&S underwear brands consist of ‘Autograph’, ‘Per Una’ and ‘M&S Woman’ for women. For men it is ‘Autograph underwear’, ‘collezione’. Marketing has always been the nucleus of any business. There is no other alternative to reach the customers than a proper marketing plan and execution. The companies need to reach out to the customers and offer them the best services and quality at competitive prices. It is not necessary for M&S to provide cheap products as quality is the key to the underwear market segment where comfort counts. The twofold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction. The 7P marketing mix is a scientific account of the key areas of marketing which are Product, Price, place, promotion, packaging, positioning, and people. The idea of marketing mix is the same idea as mixing a cake. A baker will alter the proportions of ingredients in a cake depending on the type of cake he/she wishes to bake. The proportions in marketing mix can be altered in the same way and can differ from product to product.† (GCSE,2001) Product selling is a critical area where the customer habits and trends decide whether they want to purchase the product. Quality and innovative design are key factors where the marketers need to equip themselves with answers to critical questions as to the marketability and the acceptability of a product. Product demand and the trend of the market will decide on the sale of the product. M&S have the uniqueness in them where their innovative designers are constantly researching on the aspect of giving the customer an out of the box design. The body shape wear designed by their experts were special for the customers where they welcomed it and very soon it became the trend setter for the underwear brands. Apart from the core product selling, after sales services are also an important segment of product selling as it gives an element of trust to the company. Price is the second P of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Pppp Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pppp - Coursework Example Steven Chu, for instance, points to the breaking up of the great ice packs, which will ultimately result in a notable rise in sea level. Unless climate change is halted, this rise will submerge some parts of the earth completely and ultimately cause the death of living things in the coral. The negative impact of greenhouse gases is attributed to global trends in the demand for and supply of energy (S. Chu; Chu and Majumdar). According to Chu (6), â€Å"†¦between 1971 and 2000, the total use of energy doubled and is expected to triple by 2020†, while oil and gas reserves are diminishing by the day. In order to resolve this crisis, many options have been proposed that call for concerted research on the use of bio-based fuels (such the use of grain to generate ethanol), and nuclear fission as well as research on how best to harness inexhaustible energy reserves such as solar and the wind, as well as photosynthesis (Chu and Majumdar; S. Chu). In its 2004 report titled Ending the Energy Stalemate, the National Commission on Energy Policy has made many recommendations with a view to averting the crisis. I outline below some of the recommendations with which I strongly agree. I strongly agree with the recommendation to develop energy technologies for the future (The National Commission on Energy Policy). As we edge closer to the depletion of natural oil resources, it is imperative that we explore new technologies to complement or replace the exploitation of natural oil deposits. As such, I agree that there is need for the government and private sector to increase funding for energy research, and to also provide incentives that will spur production of alternative fuels for the transport sector. I also agree strongly with the recommendation to strengthen critical energy systems. This is because crucial energy systems, including the electricity grid, provide a environmentally friendly energy options, especially if these are generated using inexhaustible

Friday, July 26, 2019

The septuagint and it's origins Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The septuagint and it's origins - Research Paper Example It is significant to note that the Septuagint had its emergence or origin in Alexandria (Hengel 25-27). In addition, it was broadly utilized among the Hellenistic Jews. The Greek translation was conducted because many Jews in the empire started to lose their original Hebrew language. The Letter of Aristeas started that about 72 Jews writers were mandated during the rule of Ptolemy Philadelphus to conduct the work of translation. Therefore, the word Septuagint refers to seventy in Latin Language and the scripture is called so to acknowledge the 72 Jews scholars. It is difficult to tell the exact century and place in which the translation was done but renowned Jews scholars such as Aristobulus who lived in the 2nd century asserted that the description of the policy or law into Greek was finished during the rule of Ptolemy Philadelphus. Due to this, it has been acknowledged that the translation commenced during this time. It is recorded in the letter of the Aristeas that when the transl ation was read in front of the Jewish priests, people and princes in Alexandria who identified and praised the excellent conformity of the translation with the original Hebrew. On the other hand, the widely accepted origin of the Septuagint holds that according to the Pentateuch, the Jews people in the 2nd and 3rd century were many in Egypt, particularly in Alexandria in that at one point, they comprised of the two-fifths of the total population (Abraham 55). Gradually, the Jews people stopped using the Hebrew language and began to forget it, which posed a risk of them forgetting the law. However, it became customary for to explain and interpret the law, which was read in the temple or synagogue, and it was usual that after some time, some people zealous for the policy or law should have commenced to collect and compile a Greek translation of the law or the Pentateuch (Mclay 39-42). This process took place in the middle of the 3rd century. It is important to note that as to the othe r Hebrew Scriptures-the historical and prophetical-it was usual that the Jews living in Alexandria were using the translated law or Pentateuch in their church or liturgical services. In addition, the desire to read the remaining scriptures led to the gradual translation into Greek, which had become their original language. This in turn implied that the Hebrew language was diminishing and dying daily. It is not easy to figure out the exact time in which the translations were made but it can be deduced that Pentateuch or law, historical, prophets and other scriptures or books such as hagiographies existed in Greek as early as the 2nd century. It is also difficult to know the exact number of the translators but it is said that they were seventy or seventy tow as stated in the Brassac-Vigouroux narration. On the other hand, the Talmudists argue that the law or Pentateuch was translated by five people. History offers us no precise figure but the scriptures reveal that the authors were di stinct for different scriptures (Wegner 61-4). Hebrew Bible The Hebrew Bible or book is a word applied to refer to the accepted anthology or collection of Jewish scripture that are the common source of the Old Testament scriptures. These books are

Thursday, July 25, 2019


LANGUAGE, PEDAGOGY AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY. Policy and practice in the education of bilingual children - Essay Example hildren through formulation of teaching strategies that are effective in the improvement of academic competency of bilingual students’ as well as analysis of the policies that support bilingual education. The observed school is located in Tower Hamlets in East London. The learning environment in the school is very approachable and welcoming. The observed year one classroom has 30 pupils aged five years with 10 bilingual learners from Mexico, Somalia, Poland, Bangladesh, Brazil and France, making for a widely diverse language and cultural environment. According to Ofsted, the performance of the school is good in terms of pupil achievement, behaviour, quality of teaching, quality of the curriculum pupil’s welfare, health and safety as well as leadership and management. The performance of bilingual pupils’ has improved steadily as they have achieved comprehension that is near that of mainstream children. To improve the performance, it is recommended that pupils be given work that challenges them and matches their level of ability (Ofsted, 2013). Cummins’ 1986 empowerment theory analysis the learning trends of bilingual students’ exploring how status relations and power difference, minority language instruction, interdependence hypothesis, community and school liaison and power and status relationships impacts the school performance of minority groups. Cummins (1986) influence on teaching strategies and policy of bilingual education is arguably very effective in focusing on the education of the bilingual students in a holistic view as opposed to Conteh’s (2009) framework, that extensively focuses on integration of parents and the community. Cummins’ framework enhances the design of intervention to ensure the potential of revising the underachievement of most bilingual pupils’ by encouraging community and parent’s participation as well as collaboration of teachers in pedagogy (Delgado-Gaitan, 1991). According to Cummins, the aim of empowerment is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Latin American Women, Gender and Sexuality Assignment

Latin American Women, Gender and Sexuality - Assignment Example He, Zapata, is Samuel Brunk’s leading figure in his literary work entitled â€Å"Zapata and the City Boys: In Search of a Piece of the Revolution† (Brunk 33 – 65). It is the case that this article has been produced in many forms. From its original text, it had undergone revisions before the printing and circulation. Aside from the print version, technological innovation has also made it possible to have the text’s electronic version in the pdf format. The main goal of this paper is to write an analytical bibliography of the text through having a close examination of the thirty – three (33) page text of â€Å"Zapata and the City Boys: In Search of a Piece of Revolution† as a physical object. This paper aims to critically analyze the manuscript of the Brunk’s text in order to have a closer reading, understanding and analysis of it. From the title of the article itself, Brunk had recognized that Zapata was not alone in the midst of the revolution. There were these city boys who had played a very significant role Zapata’s rebellion. These city boys were the ones who had assisted Zapata in his fight for his revolutionary movement for an agrarian reform against the Mexican government. Nonetheless, Brunk has divulged to me the shortcomings of the relationship between Zapata and his city boys that made its way for Zapatismo’s failure on achieving a share of the national power. First of all, Zapanta’s heroism especially his capacity to become a leader was questioned. The issue had come from his literacy. Brunk has stated that he was not as a revolutionary Mexican was not an educated one (33). But despite his lack of education, he was able to rise himself to recognition as a hero of the Mexican political arena regardless of the fact that he was not literate (Brunk 33). He was considered by his supporters as literate while his detractors had regarded him as otherwise. This debate was long on – going but there are evidences that Zapata had the capacity to read and write. Nonetheless, based from my analysis of the text, I could say that his intellectual power had its very own limitations. Zapata’s national prominence had begun in 1911 but he had realized that this prominence at a national level was indeed necessary for a piece of a national revolution. He must have this in order for him to have a share of national power in order for the demands for land reform and municipal independence to be passed. However, to begin with this search for power, he must have enough education to be able to in such a political project. Even the concept of what a Mexican nation is was something that Zapata did not fully understand. This is because of the fact that he had not even travelled further than the south – central Mexico. This education was something that was lacking him being the leader of the Liberation Army of the South (Brunk 34). Given that Zapata was lacking the wisdom to completely take charge of his Zapatismo, the city boys had filled up this need for him. By city boys, Brunk has meant that these people who were mostly male and young of that sort

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

NHS Development Since 1948 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

NHS Development Since 1948 - Essay Example This is good because it will ensure that clinical standards are met and there are processes to ensure continuous improvement backed by a new statutory duty for quality in NHS trusts. The Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) has been established to support and oversee the quality of clinical services locally, and tackle shortcomings. It intervenes by invitation or the Secretary of States’ direction where a problem has not been gripped. The focus is given on key areas such as life long learning, risk management, performance indicators, evidence-based practice and professional self-regulation. Life long learning is a positive step, for the NHS staff will have the opportunity to continuously update their skills and knowledge to offer the most modern, effective and high-quality care to patients. Likewise, risk management is required so that Trusts comply with the Trusts Risk Management Policy and the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992. This will certainly reduce hazards both for patients and staff. The use of performance indicators serves to highlight low or high achievement and to, therefore, raise questions about services provided. However, they represent only one of the several types of analysis. More detailed investigation of trends over time and the use of qualitative data should also be used. Evidence Based Practice is a good step for it will lead to a conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care individual patients.

United States; Love us or Hate us Essay Example for Free

United States; Love us or Hate us Essay Not only is the United States one of the most culturally diverse places in the world. It is also one of the most economically viable. It continuously touts its principles of freedom and democracy as an example for all the world’s nations. It is one of the most charitable countries in the world providing private funding to millions of aid organizations in third world countries. Not only that but technological research in the United States has brought advancements to every field from medicine to space travel (Garcia, 2007). So why it is so many countries hate the United States? This topic will attempt to answer this question. The September 11th, 2001 attacks acted as an eye opening experience for the American public. The perception of American superiority in the world was challenged that day create a shock which reverberated around the world. The international reactions that followed the attacks showed the American public that anti-American sentiments did not simply come from inconsequential groups of people. There were several countries in the third world that hated the United States. One of the major criticisms leveled against the United States is their stance on foreign policy issues. The first and foremost of these is their involvement in the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Arab world believes that American support both financial and military to Israel is not only hypocritical it is also instrumental in the continued oppression of the Palestinian people. While Israel affords a status of a friend to the United States, their neighbors are constantly being bombarded by Israeli military might and being acknowledged as terrorists. The United States is also accused of pursuing this foreign policy time and time again not in the interests of world stability but rather for their own self interests. During the Bush administration Saddam Hussein was continuously demonized as an agent of Al Qaeda and acting against the interests of the United States. However what the government conveniently decided to forget is that the American government was responsible for putting Saddam Hussein in power in the first place. This is also true for in the case of Afghanistan and the Taliban during the height of their enmity with Russia. And now they blame the very governments they put in charge for terrorist attacks on their soil (Chomsky, 2001). A poll conducted in 2002 found that the population in 35 of 42 countries had a generally favorable view of the United States. The poll also showed that while citizens in many nations still find America favorable, they do not perceive it as favorably as they did 2 years ago (Roberts, 2002). Certain studies have shown that hatred of the United States is actually taught in educational institutions (Livshiz, 2001). However this does not excuse the fact the bias the United States has shown for years in dealing with international situations. While several countries such as China and Russia have several nuclear warheads, the United States imposes sanctions on countries like Iran for pursuing nuclear technology for energy purposes. While the United States invades Iraq for the sole purpose of spreading democracy, they also turn a blind eye to the genocide that is currently occurring in Darfur. It is inevitable that Anti-American sentiments will continue while the United States remains one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world. Until the United States accepts that it has to use this power responsibly, the world will continue to see its actions as a reason to hate them. References Chomsky, N. (2001, October 12). On Why Various Countries Hate the US. (R. Siegel, Interviewer) Garcia, V. F. (2007, May). Why does the world hate the USA? : A politically correct approach. Retrieved May 16, 2009, from Hispanic American Centre for Economic Research: http://www. hacer. org/pdf/Garcia00. pdf Livshiz, D. (2001, October 17). Viewpoint: Hatred of U. S. stems from hate in schools. Retrieved May 13, 2009, from The Michigan Daily : http://www. michigandaily. com/content/viewpoint-hatred-us-stems-hate-schools Roberts, J. (2002, December 4). They Love U. S. /They Hate U. S. Retrieved May 13, 2009, from CBS NEWS: http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2002/12/04/world/main531762. shtml

Monday, July 22, 2019

Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay My philosophy on classroom management begins with learning and being familiar with the various rolls that a teacher plays on an everyday basis. I didn’t know until taking this course that a teacher assumes so many rolls during the day. He or she takes on rolls such as: a parent, a social worker, an advisor, a counselor, and a judge. During my classroom observations and readings, I have learned that I will run into different types of students. There will be the bully, leader, follower, instigator, and the escape goat who in other words is the victim. In order to find out who and what is what, the students would have to be in groups to pin point who is playing what roll. There will also be times when I will run into parents of my students. Since reading our text my eyes have really been open on how and what to say to a parent. The first thing I would say as a teacher when I see something that is unusual about a student, I would tell the parent that I concurred with his or her child. Then I would proceed to tell the facts that I gathered to let him or her know that I feel something negative has happened. I feel that as the teacher I should know what is going on in every part of my classroom at all times. To help with my classroom surveillance, I will use witnesses momentum, smoothness, group alerting, accountability, overlapping and satiation. All of these will contribute to my teaching profession. According to Dreikur and the Canters, there are five types of teachers (Charles, 2008). Dreikur states that I could be an autocratic, democratic, or a permissive teacher. The autocratic teacher makes his or her own decisions whereas the democratic teacher is an opinionated educator. Finally, there is the permissive teacher who is the unpredictable teacher. The Canters defined three types of teachers. The hostitle teacher views the students as adversaries. The non-assertive teacher takes a passing approach to students, and last but not least the assertive teacher clearly, confidently, and consistently, expresses class expeditions to students. After reading C.M. Charles book â€Å"Building Classroom Discipline†, I learned what a teacher should say and do to and for his or her students. According to Dreikur, teachers should always speak in positive terms. Teachers should encourage students to strive for improvement, not perfection. Emphasis should be placed on students’ strengths while minimizing their weaknesses and teachers should help students learn from mistakes. Independence should be greatly encouraged along with the assumption of responsibility. I would set to accomplish the latter task by letting my students know that I have faith in them and I would show pride in their work. I would be very optimistic and enthusiastic and use encouraging remarks such as â€Å"You have improved,† and â€Å"Can I help you† (Charles, 2008). There are five types of behaviors that I know will occur in my class. The first behavior is aggression. Aggression is physical and verbal attack on the teacher, students or property. Secondly is immorality which are acts contrary to accepted morality such as cheating, lying, and stealing. Defiance of authority is the third behavior that will possibly occur in my classroom. Defiance of authority is when students refuse to do what is requested. Finally, class disruption is talking loudly, walking about the room, clowning, tossing things, and goofing off. Goofing off can be attributed to fooling around, out of seat, not doing assigned tasks and daydreaming. Fredric Jones’ analysis of the numerous classroom observations uncovered five clusters of teacher skills that keep students productively at work and thus preventing misbehavior. Those clusters deal with classroom structure to discourage behavior; getting through body language; using say, see, and do teaching to maximize students’ attention and involvement; responsibility training through incentive system, and providing efficient help to individual students (Charles, 2008). All the theorists in C.M. Charles book, â€Å"Building Classroom Discipline† will give me professional help as a perspective teacher. I believe his book goes from beginning to end and from procedures to misbehavior, to body language to what types of students will most likely enter my class. What I have learned from his book and what I am currently learning from Mrs. Palmer is there is no way I will not get it right the first time.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Compare And Contrast Theory With Practice

Compare And Contrast Theory With Practice Case management is the process of helping patients with lives that are not productive or satisfactory as a result of a number of problems among them drug and substance abuse. Case management in social work is whereby a social worker professionally assesses the needs of the client and their respective families (Ballew Mink 1997). The social worker then coordinates, monitors, evaluates, arranges and advocates an effective service package to meet the clients or patients needs. Case management differs from managed care whereby the former is designed to obtain the most appropriate and perhaps best treatment for patients while the latter is designed to avoid hospitalization or initiate shorter hospital stays thereby reducing costs incurred. Case managers professional credentials will comprise broadly of the following: A masters graduate accredited by the council on social work education Have a current state or national social work certificate or license At least two years work experience at the masters level relating to bio-psych social needs Practicing in line with federal and state regulations and laws An adherent to the social work code of ethics (National Association of Social Workers NASW) Case management constitutes psychological and clinical components. As a pre- requisite therefore, a case manager should be able to address a variety of matters some of which may include: Crisis intervention: where the patients state or situation signifies a crisis needing urgent attention Resource brokerage: This involves marshalling of the necessary resources to commence treatment. Teamwork collaboration: The bringing together of all the stakeholders involved in the treatment plan Client / family education: Provision of all the necessary information and education related to the condition and treatment procedure. Client / family advocacy: Advocate for patient or client where society or family puts forth a set of demands (Halley, Kopp Austin 1997) Psychological assessment and diagnostic procedures Results and evaluation: Interpretation of patient assessment results. Client / family counseling: Initiate patient / family counseling sessions. Most importantly the case manager initiates a team oriented approach to case management. Generally case management procedures offered by organizations are effected based on a screening procedure outcome. This screening criteria will pinpoint all collaborative services through coordination of high quality care services. The coordination is meant to reduce any service fragmentation. The ultimate goal of this process would be to identify patients: With costly illness or injury With terminal condition With chronic illness or illness in an acute stage The coordination of the case services during screening is aimed at enhancing the quality of life and appropriate usage of health care resources. Client screening should cover the following aspects: Financial Environmental Physical Psychological Cultural / spiritual Vocational Client psychological screening is achieved through an assessment process which may include among other components: Patients personal data Patients health status and age Patients emotional and financial status Patients vocational and functional status including spirituality Cognitive functioning focusing on the client The case management process exploits a number of intervention options. The case manager assists clients / patients and family members to establish a suitable treatment plan. The plan pinpoints the patients strengths and supportive systems. These are employed during the implementation. Alternatively the case manager may monitor a patient from community to an inpatient facility and back to the community setting. The manager then adapts a treatment plan suited to the patients needs in each of the set ups. Collaboration as an option can also be used where the case manager collaboratively and collectively involves the patients family and others concerning the implementation of the treatment plan. The parties are continuously updated about the progress, goals, obstacles and any variations to the initial treatment plan. The Patrician movement most likely adopts this kind of approach or practice based on the fact that this movement considers the family as a basic societal unit that can be directly involved in the treatment and prevention of substance and drug abuse (The Patrician Movement 2010). An important aspect concerning any process is the documentation process. In the case management process the manager develops suitable case management plans which are documented in the patients record. These documentation should be accessible by all relevant and authorized team involved in the treatment plan of the patient in question. The documentation contains vital information based on the current or proposed treatment plan. Accordingly all medical documentation should be kept confidential and treated as so. The case management process must have an established measurement of outcomes. The plans outcome indicators should include observed and measured goals for every problem, the progress being periodically measured by the case manager along with the supportive team. The measurement indicators will include: Resolution of the problem: This will include the patient care plans connoting the percentages met, partially met or not yet met. The patients level of dedication to treatment estimated by measuring the attendance frequencies for the assigned treatment sessions. A decrease in procedures and treatments that was unplanned for. Service costs, reconciled service levels and utilization of resources The patients or clients satisfaction which can be derived by the use of tools such as questionnaires the likes of DUKE, Darmouth Co-op or SF- 36. Levels of patient satisfaction can also be demonstrated through contract renewal by the client usually an indicator of insurance company satisfaction. The patrician movement was founded at St Patrick Parish on the Eastern side of San Antonio in Texas in the late 1950s as a church based drug and substance abuse prevention and treatment facility. Initially founded as a haven from multi racial violence within the neighborhood, patrician movement founders realized the need to address the substance abuse that was clearly evident among the various gang members who came to seek shelter at the parish. The movement has largely evolved into a fully fledged facility today offering prevention and treatment services from a holistic point of view (The Patrician Movement 2010). The treatment program is largely inclined on a self assessment journey making every case unique in its own sense. The core concept embraced by the patrician movement points to the fact that each individual is unique and has a right to develop maximum potential. The family is emphasized as the basic unit of society and education as paramount for human development and treatm ent. The prevention and treatment services at the patrician movement are somewhat unique. This is due to the fact that prevention and treatment process are family oriented and managed. Case managers are basically from within the community and a conservative approach to rehabilitation process is followed. Among the case managers are those with special skills, others are former clients of the patrician movement whereas some are family members (Ballew Mink 1997) The patrician movement is concerned with the whole person and serves the San Antonio population basically. However the entire Texas state also benefits from the services of this movement. This movement having started at community level and as a community initiative is thus strongly San Antonio based. While involving the family in case management; patrician movement is helping to build stronger rehabilitation programs with effective accountability and follow up. The age bracket covered by the services offered at Patrician movement ranging from 18 to 65 years ensures a wider population is catered for. Patrician movement runs a brief strategic family therapy (BSFT) to cater for youngsters exhibiting early substance abuse and delinquency. By focusing on the family as a base of contact and rehabilitation Patrician movement ensures full community involvement in the programs thereby making them quite effective. Established in a mixed race society, Patrician movement cross racial approach to treatment and prevention continues to elicit community support from people of mixed race. Posted statistics are indicative of the fact that as at 2003 over 2500 families had been served with over 2200 adults as well. Proportionally this implies almost one adult per family. This means drug and substance abuse rate in San Antonio is high. A perusal of the testimonials from the Patrician movement website indicates a community full of gratitude to the services offered at the movement. The GED diploma program is among the unique service offered at Patrician movement meant to empower the population intellectually. By focusing on the whole person the Patrician movement boasts a higher level of success in rehabilitation unlike the common approaches that will mainly focus on the resolution of the problem. In developing and involving the family and therefore the community as a fundamental part of the rehabilitation process, Patrician movement is ensuring lower chances of relapse due to the fact that all other underlying factors are looked at and addressed. Due to the fact that the San Antonio population is mixed race, the Patrician movement believes in intellectually empowering the community as part of its prevention and treatment strategy. The administration of GED program ensures that those without the basic intellectual skills are equipped and in so doing the general public is able to receive and act on general public information without misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparison of Monsson Wedding to Heat and Dust Essay -- essays res

Despite differing in form, the film â€Å"Monsoon Wedding,† directed by Mira Nair and the novel â€Å"Heat and Dust,† by Ruth Prawler Jhabvala, have many similarities. Both of these texts convey an Indian world and the people in it. â€Å"Monsoon Wedding† is a party arthouse, party Bollywood film which deals with the leadup to the wedding of two young people, Aditi and Hermant. It combines their story with that of Aditi’s father, Lalit, and his family responsibilities, as well as the events occurring in the lives of their servants, Dubey and Alice. This combining of multiple storylines into one cohesive narrative is one of the characteristics of Bollywood films. The title of the film refers to the monsoon, or rainy season, in India. The majority of the film is set in the buildup to the monsoon, when the oppressive heat is at its strongest. This is metaphorically linked to the buildup of tension and anxiety in the days leading up to the wedding. The monsoon itself, like the wedding, symbolises cleansing and renewal before a new start. One thing that sets this film apart from other Bollywood films is that it deals with taboo issues in its portrayal of Uncle Tej’s pedophilia. This is seen from the point of view of his pat victim, Ria. The audience is not told explicitly what is occurring, but through the use of shots of Ria appearing distressed followed by shots of Tej, it becomes apparent that something sinister is happening. This particular storyline climaxes with Ria’s public accusation...

Philosophy :: essays research papers

Interpreting Plato Alfred North Whitehead once remarked that all of philosophy is but a footnote to Plato. This proves true in the case of St. Augustine’s Confessions, where he specifies Plato’s good as God by personalizing the forms, Eros, sin, and recollection. Specifically, Augustine’s idea of â€Å"original sin,† forgetfulness and recollection follow the philosophy of Plato, bringing them into the â€Å"God realm,† rather leaving them in a figurative sense open for interpretation. In the Confessions, Augustine says that â€Å"the soul commits fornication when it is turned away from you and, apart from you, seeks such pure, clean things as it does not find except when it returns to you† (2.6.14). Here Augustine provides an overview of his idea of God: it is initially with God, because it must turn away, or forget, in order to leave God, but is left unsatisfied until it returns, or remembers. This is a direct use of Plato’s theory that the soul of man originally dwells with the forms in the realm of the â€Å"good,† then the soul forgets on earth what the â€Å"good† is, but spends life trying to remember. For both Plato and Augustine, the journey begins at birth. When a person is born, they possess both an original sin and an original innocence. Being born into the world, people are certainly corrupted by society and prone to sin, because in the eyes of Plato and Augustine, the body itself is corrupt and leads to sin. At the same time, though, man is born with â€Å"good† inside of them. The soul of humankind comes from God or from the â€Å"good,† and it has a recollection of the good of which it once knew. Augustine said of infancy that, â€Å"the sin that is in him you have not made†¦For in your sight, no man is clean of sin, not even the infant who has lived but a day upon earth† (1.7.11). So what is it about living a day on the earth that makes an infant sin, and what is it in a person that makes them turn away from sin? According to Plato, the body leads to sin. As with Plato, while a person becomes a sinner when they enter into the body, they have with in them an inherent, incorruptible good, the soul; only it forgets from what it came, thus turning away from the good. In the speech of Diotima, she says that love is giving birth to new ideas, bringing beauty in the presence of mortality. Philosophy :: essays research papers Interpreting Plato Alfred North Whitehead once remarked that all of philosophy is but a footnote to Plato. This proves true in the case of St. Augustine’s Confessions, where he specifies Plato’s good as God by personalizing the forms, Eros, sin, and recollection. Specifically, Augustine’s idea of â€Å"original sin,† forgetfulness and recollection follow the philosophy of Plato, bringing them into the â€Å"God realm,† rather leaving them in a figurative sense open for interpretation. In the Confessions, Augustine says that â€Å"the soul commits fornication when it is turned away from you and, apart from you, seeks such pure, clean things as it does not find except when it returns to you† (2.6.14). Here Augustine provides an overview of his idea of God: it is initially with God, because it must turn away, or forget, in order to leave God, but is left unsatisfied until it returns, or remembers. This is a direct use of Plato’s theory that the soul of man originally dwells with the forms in the realm of the â€Å"good,† then the soul forgets on earth what the â€Å"good† is, but spends life trying to remember. For both Plato and Augustine, the journey begins at birth. When a person is born, they possess both an original sin and an original innocence. Being born into the world, people are certainly corrupted by society and prone to sin, because in the eyes of Plato and Augustine, the body itself is corrupt and leads to sin. At the same time, though, man is born with â€Å"good† inside of them. The soul of humankind comes from God or from the â€Å"good,† and it has a recollection of the good of which it once knew. Augustine said of infancy that, â€Å"the sin that is in him you have not made†¦For in your sight, no man is clean of sin, not even the infant who has lived but a day upon earth† (1.7.11). So what is it about living a day on the earth that makes an infant sin, and what is it in a person that makes them turn away from sin? According to Plato, the body leads to sin. As with Plato, while a person becomes a sinner when they enter into the body, they have with in them an inherent, incorruptible good, the soul; only it forgets from what it came, thus turning away from the good. In the speech of Diotima, she says that love is giving birth to new ideas, bringing beauty in the presence of mortality.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Marcus Mosiah Garvey :: rastafarianism, reggae music

Marcus Mosiah Garvey was a powerful black revolutionary and race leader who influenced a great many people in his time and continues to do so through reggae music. Many of Marcus Garvey's lessons and ideals have found a voice in the lyrics of conscious reggae musicians past and present. From internationally famous musicians such as Bob Marley and Burning Spear, to the music and words of The Rastafari Elders, reggae musicians have found inspiration in Marcus Garvey. For many reggae musicians, their work is about more than music, it is a tool for teaching the masses. Peter Tosh at a concert in California told the audience the reason why he was there."Don't think I come here for entertainment. I and I come to flash lightening, earthquake, and thunder in these places of destruction and unrighteousness."2 Tosh and many musicians like him are taking reggae to a higher level, one where the musicians are prophets of Garvey and Rasta. Much of the teachings of reggae are based on a Rastafarian view, as this is the religion of many of the conscious reggae musicians that preach the Garvey message. Rastafarianism owes a lot to Marcus Garvey, as he is credited as the founder. The religion was born on the words"Look to Africa for the crowning of a Black king."3 They waited and in 1930, the prophecy was fulfilled when, Ras Tafari Mekonnen was crowned emperor of Ethiopia and took the name Haile Selassie. Working from the bible and their own interpretations of it, the Rastafarians found evidence to support their claim and a religion was born. Marcus Garvey is considered part of the Rastafari Trinity, and"is second only to Haile Selassie,"4 the Rastafari God. Whether singing directly about Marcus Mosiah Garvey, or about Rastafarianism, reggae musicians are helping to spread the teachings of this black prophet and revolutionary to millions of music listeners all over the world. Marcus Garvey was born in 1887 in the St. Ann's Parish in Jamaica. He came from a large, poor family and due to lack of money, when he was fourteen Garvey left school and became a printer's apprentice. By the age of eighteen he had become a master printer. Garvey had always been a quick learner and when he became the foreman of a printing company in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica,"he continued his education by reading extensively, taking advantage of the company library."5 However, Marcus Garvey's political feelings soon got in the way when the workers went on strike in 1909.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Views and Observations on China Essay

The class trip to China was very enlightening, and I learnt many interesting things about International businesses and relations in China during my visit. Some of these surprised me, as they were issues that I hadn’t really considered before my visit. When I left for China, I knew that the Chinese market was one of the fastest growing economies in the world along with India, but I had no idea that it would be so difficult for International companies to get involved in doing business in China. This is something that I only learnt during my trip. However, despite the delays and possible problems that an International Company may have to face, I was still very impressed with the country and I believe that the potential for growth would still outweigh the issues involved. Therefore I would be very interested in doing business in China, and in fact, I have already started looking into doing just that. The first thing that stood out the most in every talk and site visit we made, was just how much the Chinese Government influences businesses in Mainland China. As a communist government, they are very influential, and have a say in almost every business practice that goes on, so much so that the economy is directly related to the government. Dr. Jian Yuan and Dr. Sun were both very outspoken on this matter during their presentations. They both mentioned that this much influence by the government could be the source of problems like labor laws, policy problems and an unfair distribution of wealth. Labor Laws in China are very strict and it is difficult to lay people off. However, the cheap cost of labor in China could also be seen as an advantage for foreigners, who can therefore lower their production costs much more than if they were using labor from their own country. These low labor costs are a direct result of the huge population and the sheer numbers on available unskilled workers. Another problem that can affect foreign businesses due to the influence of the government is that, as a communist government, they have complete control of information sources. This means they control not only the media, but also the internet, and companies are unable to do business via websites etc. However, this is only a problem for some businesses, and your chosen business would have to take this into account before you made your decision. In Hong Kong however, there is complete transparency and therefore this is no longer a problem if you decide to work there. Dr. Sun said that he realized that the government was omnipresent and that Nationalism is the key to understanding the Chinese mentality, but hopes that in the future there will be a change to a multi party system as there is in Taiwan. He also said that since 1979 there have been radical changes in China, and that it is getting better every day. Chinese people have also started to look toward the government to change its policies, and therefore I think that if you are able to get started in China, despite the current problems, you may be able to expand in the future if the changes continue the way they have been going and China becomes a more free country. Currently, it is quite difficult for an international company to become involved in the Chinese economy. From my interview with Mr. Jonathan Siboni, the CEO of DEAL (Developing Euro-Asian Links), I learned that there are only three ways that foreigners can set up a company in China. The first being that you only set up a representative office in China, and do not actually do any business such as retail in China. The second possibility has only been available since 2006, and that is to set up a WOFE (Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise). This is advantageous for foreigners, but there are limitations set by the government. The final possibility is to set up a Joint-Venture, which is when a foreign company and a Chinese company join together to set up a company and then split the profits between themselves. In some sectors, this is still the only form of company that foreigners can set up, and in my opinion it is the best option. The principle of Guanxi, or relations, was discussed often by many speakers. This is the theory that it is vitally important to form good relations with other people in order to be successful at business in China. Another topic that was often discussed, was that the culture is very important to the Chinese and that you would have to fully understand it if you ever wanted to succeed in the Chinese Market. By forming a join-venture with a pre-existing company, Chinese members of the joint-venture would be available to explain the cultural intricacies that are vital to the business, and they would also already have formed many valuable guanxi (relations), that would help your company immensely. The Chinese people themselves were another factor that influenced my decision to do business in China. The huge population is larger than that on America and the EU combined and this means there are a high number of unskilled laborers out there that are looking for jobs and training. They are very hard working people and they take pride in their work and want to do a good job. At the shoe and textile factories, we saw that the average working hours were from 8am to 8pm, and all this hard work would definitely increase production. The visit to Ground Floor Engineering also showed that they are also very fast workers, which would also positively influence production. The huge population also means that there is the possibility of an enormous target market and a huge demand for your product. The Wal Mart that we visited, catered for a market of 7 million people per week, and because of this, had sales figures in 2006 of US $ 747 Billion. This large number of consumers is a definite draw card for anyone wishing to invest in China. There are also problems with the people. One of which is the huge language barrier, as only a very small population understands English, or any language other than Mandarin, and even fewer are able to read it. This could be another area, where having a Chinese business partner who understands the language would be very helpful. However, with training and careful selection of workers, this is not enough of a problem to put me off doing business in China. If you were doing business in Hong Kong, it also becomes less of a problem, as people here are more highly skilled and many are fluent in English as a second language. This is in part due to the fact the Hong Kong used to be a British Colony. Question 2: The Chinese Culture is very different from any other culture that I have ever experienced before, and although I did notice a few similarities with my home country of Morocco, I mainly realized just how different the cultures of both America and Morocco are to that of China. This was something that I had not been expecting to such a large degree. Firstly, I noticed that the Chinese people are very proud of themselves, their country and their history, and this influences not only everything that they do, but also their relations with foreigners. They are also very sensitive to the actions of others and easily offended by small things that you wouldn’t have thought they would be. For example, when sharing a meal with a Chinese person, it is considered polite to always leave something on your plate uneaten, as this indicates to them that you have eaten enough. If you eat all the food that you have been served, they take it to mean that you are still hungry, and this could be insulting to them. This is in direct contrast to all other countries I have been in, where it is considered polite to eat all that you have been served. They also never forget their history, and still think about being defeated by the European Countries and by Japan. This may affect the way that they deal with people from other countries and culture. Another thing that I noticed is that structure and hierarchy is very important to the Chinese. The CEO of Days Inn told us that in a company or business, everyone knows exactly who is ranked above them in the business hierarchy, and insubordination is not tolerated. In meetings, it is polite and expected that people enter the boardroom in order of Hierarchy, with the most senior and important people entering fist. Seats at the table are also according to hierarchy, with the boss or host sitting in the middle of the table, facing the door. This is very different from American culture, where they try to promote a sense of equality and camaraderie between members of the company. For instance, while you know who you report to and who you are supposed to being taking direction from, there is a sense that you are both equally important to the company and that you would be able to speak freely and openly with your boss. The importance of Gianxi (relations) in China was surprising to me. In all countries, it is important to have good working relations with those around you and with your suppliers and clients, but in China, it is impossible to do business without them. The CEO of Days Inn told us that he needed 50 licenses from the government in order to start the hotel, and that if he didn’t have good Gianxi relationships with influential people, this process would have taken much longer, and may never have gotten through. This seems to follow the old saying â€Å"It’s not what you know, It’s who you know† whereby in American culture, people believe that it’s more important that you are good at your job, and if you are it shouldn’t matter who you know, or what important contacts you have. Rather, there should be equality and you should succeed because of your skill. The idea of â€Å"Face,† or Mianzi, being important to a business or individual was also very new to me. The CEO of Days Inn told us that giving face is a mark of personal pride and is the basis of an individual’s reputation and social status. Losing face is very embarrassing and it is vital not to lose face in the business world if you want to succeed. A public insult or chastisement is a way of losing face, and even something as small as contradicting someone in front of someone else, or declining an invitation on a weak pretext can lead to a loss of face. This idea goes hand in hand with the idea of Gianxi, as a person who has lost face and has a bad reputation, would have a very hard time forming relationships with people that could help there business. Another cultural difference between the East and West is that Westerners are much more straight forward and frank with you, whilst the Chinese are much more conservative and it is difficult to know what they are really thinking. A Chinese person will never tell you â€Å"No† as they think it is rude, and this makes it very difficult to determine whether someone you are working with really agrees with you or just doesn’t want to offend you. Saying â€Å"No† to someone can lead to a loss of Mianzi (face) and therefore someone will often say â€Å"inconvenient† or â€Å"difficult† rather than saying â€Å"No. † This is very different from the West, where people are told to say what they think. Another aspect of Chinese culture is that they hate confrontation, and will generally go out of their way to avoid it, even just in a business setting. They also dislike doing business with strangers and formal introductions are necessary before they will do business with you. This is again where Gianxi become necessary, and is very different from American culture, where they will do business with anyone, as long as it will benefit their companies. At the silk market, evening market and ladies market, I was surprised to find a similarity in culture between China and my home country of Morocco. In both countries, bargaining is an important part of the culture. It is a tradition, and people enjoy it and are not really happy to shop without it. They like to feel that they are working to get the best price, and take it as a sign that they are using their skills to get the best price. It is almost like a game to them, and if someone doesn’t bargain, they get disappointed. This is the same in Morocco, where markets or â€Å"souks† are a place where people come together to shop and bargain for good deals. The biggest difference in the cultures between China and other countries that I noticed was when we went on a visit to a local village. Here, the people were mostly isolated, and had little to no contact with the outside world, and very little knowledge of westerners. They were also poorly educated, and had mainly spent the majority of their lives living in the Village, involved in local farming. They were very poor and sometimes only had gas and water twice a week. They also ate and behaved very differently from the more civilized and educated people in Beijing. When we arrived, they looked at us like they had never seen people like us, and wanted to touch and feel us to see what the differences there were between us and them. The visit to the village also brought into light the class issue that is part of the Chinese Culture, and how people are treated differently according to level of education, class and their jobs (Master/Servant relationships). They don’t seem to think that there is anything wrong with differentiating between people in this way, and see rural people as being below city people. This is different from the West, where people try to think in terms of equality and equal opportunities no matter your race, station in life, gender or class.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Development of Jig in “Hills Like White Elephants”

In Hemingways Hills equivalent White Elephants, trip the light fantastic undergoes a displacement enabling her to empathize and decl atomic number 18 her profess feelings. At the storys root system gigue is passive, unaware of her own feelings, and in the habit of looking to the American direction. She presently comes to realize her own desires and struggles to stray herself for the premier(prenominal) time. The story is structured rough the twain placements of the v aloneey, the division symbolizing the opposition in the midst of the Americans values and trip the light fantastics. The two posts of the valley of the Ebro represent two ways of feel, one a stereotypical perpetuation of the aim slight hedonism the suspender provoke been pursuing, the different a participation in behavior in its full inseparable sense (Renner, 32). On one font are the values associated with stillbirth, and on the new(prenominal) are the values associated with having the squir t. In this setting, then, Hemingway deeds out the storys conflict, which revolves around the maturement of his fe male character (28).The parley between gigue and the American close to hills and drinks is in actuality an articulated but determining(prenominal) struggle over whether they continue to live the sterile, self-indulgent, decadent life preferred by the American or elect to have the sister that Jig is carrying and settle down to a conventional but, in Jigs view, rewarding, fruitful, and peaceful life (Holladay, 1).The American argues adamantly for the abortion while Jig, being addicted to doing what he wants, has not yet genuine the mechanism to k immediately what she wants, much less to articulate it. Thus she cannot forthrightly repugn her assorts urging, but neither, because of what is at stake in this case, can she exit her own feelings (Renner, 29). Up until this point the American has been the leader of the couples family, managing their life to come inh er in a vogue consistent with his own desires.At the beginning of the story, the couple is sitting at a plug-in on one perspective of the station, veneering out toward the hills on the same side of the valley, the side associated with the barrenness and sterility both of the implications of going through with an abortion and of the watercourse state of the couples alliance (Renner, 30). Jig looks at the hills on this side of the station, noting that they look like white-hot elephants.A white elephant, in a North American cultural context, is not only a rare and sacred creature, but as well a metaphor for an expensive and onerous propertythe burden at unloose in this story is the unborn child (Link, 67). The American responds that he has never seen a white elephant. No, you wouldnt have, Jig replies. To Jig, the unborn child she carries is eminently, painfully real to the American it is a concept, an abstraction, and too expensive to pass off (Wyche, 59). Jig goes on to say , Thats all we do, isnt it look at things and exploit new drinks? This statement articulates an change magnitude ken of the emptiness of the couples lifestyle to date (60). Jig stands up and walks to the other end of the station, in effect distancing herself from the influence of her male companion and enabling herself, evidently for the first time, to realize what is in her own mind (Renner, 32). She is now able to see the other side of the valley, the fields of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro, and the river, which are representative of the values associated with having the child.Jig rejoins the American at the table, once again facing the the hills on the dry side of the valley. She tries to convince the American that her pregnancy could be meaningful for them, and that they could get along even with a child. The American resumes his double talk, assuring her that he impart go along with what she wants while obdurately pressuring her to do what he wants (Renner , 33). Pushed to her breaking point, Jig finally explodes with real feeling. Even though she still does not state in direct terms her feeling that on that point can be more to life than their aimless hedonism, she. vidently for the first timeasserts herself openly against the American (33). Would you entertain please please please please please please stop talking? Jig no longer wants to hear what the American has to say, demonstrating her increasing awarenessof the mans egoistic and insecure motivation for pursuing the abortion (Rankin, 235). She is resisting both what he wants for their relationship and the deceit of his efforts to persuade her (Renner, 33), as she realizes it is the unencumbered sexual playhouse that the American is selfishly nerve-racking to reserve. The American takes carries their bags to the other side of the station, and upon his render asks Jig if she feels better. I feel fine, she responds. in that respects nothing wrong with me. I feel fine. T he absolute straightforwardness of the uttermost(a) line, a line that incidentally coincides with Jigs own dramatic epiphany (Rankin, 234) may well imply her realization that there is something wrong with her companion (Renner, 40).By the conclusion of the story, the relationship between Jig and the American has been effectively destroyed (Wyche, 70). However, we see the result of her development toward self-realization the reluctant and still more or less resentful capitulation of her male companion (Renner, 28). Once the stereotypical passive female, not even knowing her own mind, Jig finds herself no longer able to purport along in mindless support (37) and breaks free from her conditioned deference to assert her own feelings to the American.

Cuban Missile Crisis and Cold War Assignment Essay

During the 1960s, one of the some thing that the Ameri rout out goernment and the American great deal had to face was the dusty contend. People who grew up during the 1950s, 60s, and 70s would adjudge talked around the fight like it was an everyday thing. But, as the years and decades have gone by people have talent have a different option and some might not even know or remember what it was. Interviewing 3 people will visual aspect what the average citizen knows or remembers astir(predicate) the moth-eaten War. During the interviews, I asked 3 questions that would help me find this answer. They included, what words or phrases come to brainiac when you count on of the term wintry War? Did you ever hear the stone-cold War in educate? If so, what are some aspects of the nippy War that you remember? Who were the parties involved in the Cold War? Can you name any describe events that we mainly associate with the Cold War? The branch somebody that was interviewed ve rbalize the first word that came to judicial decision when asked about the Cold War was the Cuban missile crisis.This person did study the Cold War in school and remembered that the joined States was trying to keep nigh of the things discrete when it came to the semipolitical side of the warfare. The parties involved harmonise to this person were the linked States and the Soviet inwardness. Some of the secernate events that were associated were of course the Cuban Missile Crisis, the dealership of ordnance at the time, and the nuclear weapons involved. This person remembered a signalise point in the Cold War but, did not remember in detail what was taught in school. The indorse person that was interviewed stated the observe things that came to mind about the Cold War, was the Soviet Union. They likewise mentioned that the Soviet Union had fallen after the Cold War. This person has as well as studied the Cold War in school and remembered that it lasted a prospicient ti me and was after WWII. This person said the parties that were involved were the Soviet Union and the fall in States.The key elements that just about people would relate to the Cold War were the length of the war and that it cost the united States so much money. They stated that the war was over a 4 decade period and said it cost upward to 8 trillion dollars and myriad numbers of lives lost. This person knew about the cold war but only remembers a little of what was taught from school. The terminal person that was interviewed, stated that the first thing that came to mind when asked about the Cold War was the war was ground the state of military rivalry and political tensions. The war consisted of the United States government and the government of the Soviet Union. The United States lost many lives in the hundreds throughout the long drawn out war.The person stated that they did study the Cold War in school and can remember how controversial it was for the American people and al so with the government. The individual stated that the two parties they can think have been the United States and the Soviet Union. Finally, a key element of the war that was known across the United States was that the war had the complications of nuclear weapons and the countries trying to become a leader in arms dealing. Basically, see who had the most weapons and the more(prenominal) military firepower and power overall.This person had more knowledge as far as the apprehensiveness and remembrance of the Cold War. After conducting the interviews about the Cold War, there are some similarities to what the people who were interviewed had said. The translation of the Cold War was similar to the one given up at the beginning of the assignment. All of the definitions of what the cold war was about and what were the key elements have to do with the political issues and the issues of the American people. This shows that people were divided in deciding if the Cold War was the right wa y to go. there was a lot of tension and cautiousness about the topic of the Cold War.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

An Approach Model for Employees’ Improving Quality of Work

Persian J Publ Persian J Publ strongness, Vol. 36, no. 4, 2007, pp. 81-86 wellness, Vol. 36, no. 4, 2007, pp. 81-86 ca determinationitative phrase An come on typeling for Employees change character reference of run demeanor (IQWL) *H Dargahi 1, J Nasle Seragi 2 1 Dept. of wellness perplexity circumspection, crop of consort wellness Medicine, wellness check Sciences/University of capital of Iran, Iran 2 Dept. of occupational health, cultivate of globe wellness, wellness check Sciences/University of capital of Iran, Iran revoke ch Keywords lumber of liveliness, nonaddition, Employees, Iran ive mount organisational features suffer see how employers realize on their QWL is an main(prenominal) love for employees evoke in astir(p) employees trade felicity. The question in variate present aimed to extend the processes utilise to enquire and normal a altoge at that airy for TUMS Employees modify of reference of wee demeanor as an cham pt appear sit down. Methods A eccentric of live animateness st commitgical prep argondness military com kick was make to accent on enhancing TUMS employees tonicity of litigate biography- cadence. In the succeeding(a) measurement 30 QWL teams consisting of managers and employees were conducted in from individu tot altogetheryy whiz(prenominal) of 15 as e genuinely(prenominal) of TUMS infirmarys. citizens deputation members identify uniform headst iodine themes of dis triumph. represent on the discern themes set, a great traverse was substantial by QWL st aimgical home stimu belated by the questionnaires which distri howevered to 942 employees and 755 of them were returned. The se learn tuition were save by SPSS package and study by statistical method. Results The results from the sketch showed that the sensed vigorousest atomic issuance 18as among 12 categories veritable by QWL strategical home wee-wee perpetration that employees concur to repair on their QWL were dialogue, leaders pecuniary an non- financial totallyowance and softw be documentation.This charge pronounced the effects of QWL managers and employees teams to change the employees, reference of doing liveness-time at 15 TUMS Hospitals. outcome The QWL strategic planning mission exhort a rude(a) court mannequin to nominate the shipway which thundering on the employees up(a) QWL. founding on that stop consonant is non a h nonpareily oil accredited explanation for feature of fit bearing. In wellness dread ecesiss, such(prenominal) as infirmarys, tincture of lock brio sentence (QWL) has been describe as referring to the strengths and impuissance in kernel locomote environs (1). schemeal features after part simulate how employees invite on their forest of fetch behavior.It is an of the essence(p) condition for employees to be interest in up(a) their handicraft at atomic number 53ment (2). or ganisational features such as policies and procedures, leading style, operations, and usual contextual factors energise a dark depression on how employees sop up the savor of their drub life. QWL is an panoptic circumstance which complicates galore(postnominal) constructs. Beca kind occasion the perceptions held by Ar of SI employees forge an heavy grapheme in their conclusiveness to enter, bind with or pass an brass section, it is burning(prenominal) that employees perceptions be intromit when assessing QWL (3). cash in ones chips of the amend feature of reckon form life (IQWL) promotes the bust use of lively manpower skills and change magnitude employees matter. safe nearly measurablely, it encourages and be defecates the call forthment of the inseparable skills undercoat to compel a more professional, cause and expeditious on the strain(p) environment. on that point are several(prenominal) ideallings utilize by governing b odys to remediate their death penalty through with(predicate) the precept of their employees. The ensample example bridge overs constant receipts by put up managers to evaluate the inseparable 81 * synonymic author Tel +98 21 88965608, facsimile machine +98 21 88951775, netmail emailprotected ums. ac. ir D (Received 19 Jan 2007 evaluate 6 Aug 2007) www. SID. ir H Dargahi, J Nasle Seragi An nest ride for Materials and Methods To serve well in achieving specify objectives and cognizance of calibre turn tail life issues and indicators, the flavour of treat breeding strategical planning charge was make in capital of Iran university of aesculapian checkup Sciences. The members of this representation were ii infirmary medical managers, deuce hospital administrators and one occupational wellness practised teamed to adjoin to moderate strategic planning and antecedency to concentrate on on enhancing the shade of meet life of TUMS Employees.In the hea d angiotensin-converting enzymet meeting, this bearion ensured a go on shipment to correct and way on the QWL of TUMS Hospitals Employees as an start out sit down and barracked that 30 QWL teams consisting of mangers and employees were conducted in all 15 of TUMS hospitals. tutors teams were form with TUMS Hospitals nurse Administrators and item of clinical and validating departments. Employees teams were organize with representatives of TUMS Nursing, adjuvant and paramedic employees.QWL accusation members worn-out(a) superfluous time to tuck the planning almost the employees ameliorate QWL at individually hospital. pursual sev- ive ch 82 Ar of SI Results government agencys which excogitate their government activitys, potentness. much(prenominal) functions include lend commission mechanisms, employees public life pedagogy, and employees involvement. A try a tried and true frame break rents wellness bursting charge ecesiss such as hospita ls to utter learn issues that are of carry on for hospitals (4). on that pointfore, a towering QWL is substantive for health give attention organizations to handle to earn and proceed employees (5).QWL is a comprehensive broadcast designated to purify employees joy (6). some(prenominal) studies found a strong family mingled with pipeline rejoicing and QWL for health tutorship organizations employees (7). The inquiry account aimed to brook the processes employ to investigate and carry through a tract for TUMS Hospitals Employees as an ascend puzzle to remedy QWL for them. eral meetings, 30 QWL teams identify mistakable pigment putting green themes of dis pleasure. These selective information are showed in Fig. 1. QWL teams obtaind these entropy to QWL strategic mean mission.At first, establish on the place mainstay themes a amount of money of 12 areas were substantial by the QWL strategical preparedness commission (Fig. 2). In the borderi ng misuse, a cross- sectional, descriptive and analytic reexamine with 942 employees as 20% of entirety employees at 15 TUMS hospitals were asked to rate of their musical arrangement or variety in simile to a serial of statements utilize Lickert guinea pig outdo were demonstrable by QWL charge as shown in Fig. 2. However, the questionnaires were distributed to 15 TUMS Hospitals Employees and 755 of them were returned, the result rate achieved to 90%.A number of employees were elect to nonch pen comments. numerous of the comments reverberate those that were do in the QWL Teams and strategical readiness committal. The collect data were analyse by SPSS software. The results were rugged into quadruplet-spot sections of employees just managers, nurses, fork upive (non- clinical) and paramedic employees. 2/3 of the employees believed that they were unsated because they could non enrol in finis- do. nevertheless 20% of the oppose ants indicated that t hey were convenient and in truth agreeable with their barter motivation. 54. % of the respondents believed that their managers and supervisory course of instructions did non honour fundamental principle of gay dealings in their hospitals. 2/3 of the respondents had not cartel to their precedential anxiety. The capacious mass (96. 9%) of the respondents indicated that they are stipendiary not enough. The great volume (98. 4%) of the respondents indicated that they were uneasy with their trading social welfare. D www. SID. ir Iranian J Publ health, Vol. 36, zero(prenominal) 4, 2007, pp. 81-86 The vast major(ip)ity (92. 3%) of the employees believed that they were uneasy with immediate pay retribution to them. every last(predicate) of the employees convey that they were restless with non currency payment to them. 72. 3% of the employees believed that they were insatiable with harbor from their supervisors. check to the results, there were no ob servable differences among the four groups in their military rating of applaud. human race imaging issues relating to nameload and supplying caution practices lead issues misfortunate re wards and income divergence of respect , consider and income among mickle much involvement in end devising set aim from financial aid for employees to deal with burnout and change portion out victorious function is not support by TUMS Hospitals as a complete Fig. 1 Dissatisfaction Themes form employees and managers QWL teams. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. governing body allegiance assumption Ar Fig. 2 rophy of 12 dissatisfaction measures unquestionable by QWL strategic mean commissioning ch declare 11. follow fiscal remuneration nary(prenominal) financial pay lead attending centering chat amid managers and employees communicating surrounded by managers and managers 0. boilers suit talk 12. credit rating ive of SI 83 D www. SID. ir ugly dialogue amongst employees and trouble H Dargahi, J Nasle Seragi An preliminary mystify for Fig. 3 sassy geomorphological onward motion perplex to cleanse QWL at TUMS Hospitals, 2005 give-and-take The results showed that the perceive strongest areas among 12 categories actual by QWL strategic preparedness charge that employees agree to remedy on their QWL, were communicating, leading, cautionary and non warning(prenominal) earnings , and support. in graduate(prenominal) spirits slews for poor communication were stigmatizeworthy amidst managers/supervisors with employees motivating avail. Though, the schoolings of a communication scheme intimate establishing clear communication rivet on linkages between managers and employees. The most weighty foreseeable QWL judgment the organization carries out is mission statement, levelheaded communication, undecomposed organization support for cultivation and development, profound finality line of latitude and be conform to with the organizations erudition of employees parcel (8). Areas adumbrate for leaders toss out include visibleness of major(postnominal) leaders, change magnitude ken of employees call for and perspectives including change magnitude of opportunities for participitation in huskinging making. Canadian carrys necktie military position parameter identify the side by side(p) elements for which stakeholders in health sustenance playing area puzzle a certificate of indebtedness catering decisivenesss establish on founding with direct excitant from professional nurses. Opportunities for nurses at all levels to accede in last making. 84 Ar h ive of SI weather for nurses to use evidence- ground decision making (9). A formal, organization- wide administration of pecuniary and non monetary compensation and honour employees for their accomplishments would be gamely beneficial. increase workload and fiscal breastwork occurred in young years, lef t over(p) employees signature press in their hypothecates. It seems that the support twist at 15 TUMS Hospitals should be follow-uped for melioratement and on tap(predicate) to employees, including review of workload and support from supervisors. woodland ward study about supervisor social support weighing machine include supervisor helpfulness. assume-to doe with the welfare of employees and powerfulness to expedite effective interaction among employees in a bulky t all(prenominal)ing hospital at Ontario (10). The information that gather and canvas by QWL managers teams and QWL employees teams in each TUMS Hospitals equal to QWL strategical formulation deputation. QWL strategic plan citizens deputation evaluated the results from this valuate and positive(p) rude(a) appeal model to alter the employees, QWL at 15 TUMS Hospitals (Fig 3).The premiers organize Committee on QWL was compel late 2002 to provide a point of coordination and support to advance the QWL for University of Californias Employees. The committee pore on deuce-ace areas- communications, training and advantages. credit all of which D www. SID. ir Iranian J Publ wellness, Vol. 36, No. 4, 2007, pp. 81-86 were identified as priorities by the chancellors establish on results of employees comply (11). integrity of the sign cultivation of the QWL strategical readying Committee was the cooperative social movement to square forward what an organization looks worry with a high QWL.The committee getd the pastime philosophy, which dogging to be historied to mean solar mean solar day An organization with a high QWL is an organization that promotes and maintains a work environment that results in duty in everything it does-by ensuring heart-to-heart communication, respect, intuition, truss, support, well cosmos and satisfaction of its members, both constitution and professionalism. The results of a check into were conducted in Canada at 2001 showed that QWL is a third-dimensional nominate and a world(prenominal) evaluation of ones work and context.The implications of these finding are currently being deliberated as they denote to astir(p) QWL with each health occupy organization (12). The QWL strategical supply Committee recommend 15 TUMS hospitals as naked as a jaybird approach model to signal the slipway which arresting on the employees alter QWL as beneath parley It investigates the ways not but to enhance employees skills on the pure tone authority frame, but to musical accompaniment the body updated and organized, ensuring teach and considerably available. take and recognition It go forth epochally reform one opening night includes the development of a star doer broadcast to allow all employees to realize each former(a). whatever employee that receives a star promoter note is visited by TUMS Hospital of age(p) solicitude and presented with a QWL protagonist to bed how important each of them is to the organization. attendance lie withment It suggests intimately turn the preexist attendance trouble form _or_ brass of government from one that appears to penalize employees for absenteeism, to one that rewarded employees for working to sheer their absenteeism.This may be achieved by growing a reward system for employees who worked for a three- calendar month item without fetching on forced day off. each ch ive quarter, a mint is held for appraises. To create get along incentives, panegyric is have to create a marvelous prize for employees not to take day off and do additional work. at that place willing be very positive feedback from employees and resulting in a lessening in absenteeism. leaders It investigates leadership and belles-lettres attempting firstly to hit a reform discernment of leadership techniques to find how practices at each TUMS Hospitals.The outcome to date is the development of a leadership commandment program to organise our management on the concept of leadership. can and decision qualification It investigates employees participitation in decision making is a good opportunities to be fulfil with their argumentation. QWL in health make out operate organizations accreditation is a major step forward. galore(postnominal) synchronic initiatives crosswise Canada call employees QWL necessitate and concerns from various angles.There is too significant build up in this direction in the united berth where the common commission on Accreditation of Health explosive charge validation (JCAHO) has move to remediate the graphic symbol of health complaint work place (13). We look forward to execute our near poseur outcomes to improve QWL of TUMS Hospitals Employees in future. Ar of SI References Acknowledgements We would comparable to convey health check Sciences/Tehran University Hospitals fourth-year managers and employees because this inspect would not have been f easible without their assistance.This question has been support by medical checkup Sciences/Tehran University. The authors declare that they have no booking of Interests. 1. 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